Examples about Security Groups
Ensure our SG an Ingress policy
Scenario Outline: Ensure our SG an Ingress policy
Given I have AWS Security Group defined
Then it must contain <policy_name>
| policy_name |
| ingress |
Well-known insecure protocol exposure on Public Network for ingress traffic
Scenario Outline: Well-known insecure protocol exposure on Public Network for ingress traffic
Given I have AWS Security Group defined
When it has ingress
Then it must have ingress
Then it must not have <proto> protocol and port <portNumber> for
| ProtocolName | proto | portNumber |
| HTTP | tcp | 443 |
| Telnet | tcp | 23 |
| SSH | tcp | 22 |
| MySQL | tcp | 3306 |
| MSSQL | tcp | 1443 |
| NetBIOS | tcp | 139 |
| RDP | tcp | 3389 |
| Jenkins Slave| tcp | 50000 |
No publicly open ports
Scenario: No publicly open ports
Given I have AWS Security Group defined
When it has ingress
Then it must have ingress
Then it must not have tcp protocol and port 1024-65535 for
Only selected ports should be publicly open
Scenario: Only selected ports should be publicly open
Given I have AWS Security Group defined
When it has ingress
Then it must have ingress
Then it must only have tcp protocol and port 22,443 for