Using Tags

terraform-compliance supports using tags within the BDD feature files.

An example tag usage :

Feature: My test feature

Scenario: #1 Ensure my specific s3 buckets are private but dont fail
  Given I have aws_s3_bucket defined
  Then it must contain acl
  And its value must be private

Scenario: #2 Some other scenario that may fail
  Given ....

in this case, terraform-compliance will execute both scenarios but will never fail Scenario #1 due to @nofail tag. These tags can also be use on top of the Features instead of Scenarios. Default Failure : error heading will also be changed with the tag name. It will be nofail : in the example above.

Supported Tags

Tag Name(s) Description
warning, no-failure, no-fail, info, nofailure, nofail, dontfail Do not fail the scenario.
noskip, no-skip, dontskip, failonskip, fail-on-skip Fail if any part of the scenario skips.
noskip_at_line_8, no-skip_at_lines_10_22_23, Fail if any of the indicated lines skips. Note: only GIVEN and WHEN steps can be skipped
case-sensitive, case_sensitive, case-sensitivity, casesensitive Use case sensitive matching on all steps. (Including regexes)
exclude_aws_s3_bucket.mybucket, ignore_azurerm_storage_account.example, exclude_resource_type.resource_name Exclude given resource from this scenario.

Please note that, nofail and noskip tags can not be used within the same scenario.



This tag converts failing scenarios to warnings. Warnings will not be considered as skipped steps and will not change the return code of terraform-compliance.

Possible formats:

▪ warning, no-failure, no-fail, info, nofailure, nofail, dontfail

Please note that

  • nofail and noskip tags can not be used within the same scenario.


In Terraform-Compliance, WHEN always filters and THEN always drills down. However, this might not always be the desired behavior. With noskip, conditions can be forced without having to drill down to their values.

@noskip fails the scenario if any of the steps skips. Using @noskip_at_lines_2_3, will fail if there are skipping steps within the scenario that falls into the lines 2 and 3

@noskip fails all the skipping scenarios produced from a scenario outline. Using @noskip_at_line_2 will fail a skipping scenario that was produced from a scenario outline with using the examples on line 2.

Possible formats:

▪ noskip, no-skip, dontskip, failonskip, fail-on-skip

▪ noskip_at_line_8

▪ no-skip_at_lines_10_22_23

Please note that

  • nofail and noskip tags can not be used within the same scenario.

Case Sensitivity

All steps, under the tagged scenario will use case-sensitive matching. This tag also affects regular expressions.

Possible formats:

case-sensitive, case_sensitive, case-sensitivity, casesensitive

Exclude Resources

exclude tag prevents the resource or resources described by the following regular expression to be ignored by the scenario. When @exclude_regular_expression is used, resources with addresses that match the regex will be ignored.

Possible formats:

▪ exclude_aws_s3_bucket.mybucket

▪ ignore_azurerm_storage_account.example

▪ exclude_module.ecr_repository["repository_[0-9]"].aws_ecr_repository.ecr_repository>

▪ ignore_module.ecr_repository.*aws_ecr_repository.ecr_repository

Please note that

  • The correct address format of a resource can be looked up via the debugger
  • This tag does not support paranthesis, hence grouping, due to how tags are being parsed.
  • Special characters such as [ should be escaped. (\[)
  • Using . or .* within your expression can help simplify the step greatly.

Table of contents

terraform-compliance made with . Distributed by an MIT license.